Up until now, I used to avoid using Firefox browser, because it was slow as a snail, used to consume almost all the RAM I had. Until now, Chrome ruled the roost, because it is fast, reliable and what not.

But now Firefox has seriously upped the ante in the race for being the best browser. And I must say, the latest version of Firefox browser, i.e version 58.0.2 is lightening fast. I kid you not. It’s faster than even Google Chrome. It looks better and feels better than Chrome. On the website of Firefox, it is written that it uses 30% less memory than Chrome, which might be true.

If you are looking to give it a test ride, here’s the link to download it: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/

Also, Mozila gives user a choice to install in the language you want. Here’s the link to download in the language you want: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/

All the setup files are available for Windows (64 bit and 32 bit both), Mac OS, Linux (64bit and 32 bit).

This leads me to ask, what more could a person want from a browser ?